Blue Band Margarine – 450g


Blue Band Margarine contains 6 Good Start Vitamins:

  • Vitamin A – For vision and a healthy immune system
  • Vitamin D – For growth and development of bones and teeth in children
  • Vitamin B6 & B12 – Helps convert food into energy
  • Niacin – Assists in the making of blood and body cells
  • Folic Acid – Essential for development of unborn babies


Blue Band margarine is perfect for the kitchen! Versatile and delicious, it is made of 70% fat, which is what makes it so easy to spread on bread and muffins, put on pap, and use for cooking, frying and baking. Every mouthful is made up of selected healthy fats and vital vitamins that deliver important essential fatty acids to the body; fatty acids that the body requires for growth and development, but cannot produce. Making sure that everyone eating Blue Band receives exactly what their bodies’ need from their daily diet.

Additional information

Weight200 g
Dimensions5 × 7 × 8 cm
BlueBand Margarine - 450g

Original, Low-Fat


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Blue Band Margarine – 450g
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