
AFANG LEAF (Okazi Eru, Okok, Fumbwa, Afang, Gnetum Leaves)

4.80 out of 5

$5.99$300.00 GST

Afang leaf (Gnetum africanum), is natively found throughout tropical Africa. Known in Cameroon as Eru, okok, in Democratic Republic of Congo as m’fumbua, or fumbua, Angola, Congo and Gabon as KoKo, Nigeria as ukase or afang. This famous vegetable is no stranger to many tropical homes!


Satisfy your Afang soup craving!

Additional information

Afang Leaf

100g, 200g, 500g, 1kg, 3kg, 5kg

AFANG LEAF (Okazi Eru, Okok, Fumbwa, Afang, Gnetum Leaves)
$5.99$300.00 GST
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