Can Sweet Potatoes Help You Lose Weight?


When it comes to weight loss, finding foods that are both nutritious and satisfying is key. One such food that often flies under the radar is the humble sweet potato. At Ugonwas, your trusted African Caribbean online grocery store, we believe in the power of natural, wholesome foods to support your health journey. Let’s explore … Read more

Plantain Chips: “It’s genesis and remarkable impact in the global food industry”

Plantain chips, a beloved snack enjoyed by millions around the world, have a rich history that stretches back centuries. These crispy, savory slices of fried or baked plantains have not only become a staple in many diets but have also had a significant impact on the global food industry. In this write-up, we will explore … Read more

WAAKYE – An invention of the Hausa people of Northern Africa

Waakye pronounced “WAH-chay”, is a popular Ghanaian dish of cooked rice and beans, commonly eaten for lunch or supper. The rice and beans, usually black eyed peas or cow beans or red kidney beans are cooked together, along with red dried sorghum leaf sheaths or stalks and limestone. The sorghum leaves and limestone give the … Read more

Camphor – A million dollar value!

“My mother was a nurse, and in her era, most diseases weren’t understood; people put mustard plasters on knees and rubbed camphor on your chest if you had a cough, and they did funny things to you if you had tuberculosis – All these things that really made very little difference once proper treatments were … Read more

Sure You know Your Cinnamon?

Cinnamon, the world’s most favored spice has multiple benefits from being an anti-oxidant power house, to it’s anti-inflammatory benefits. Hmm…, that’s not all – it is also known to protect your heart, improve mental health, help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, fights bacteria and bring magic to your oral hygiene!  It’s got quite a list…, … Read more

Rust On My Dutch Oven Cast Iron? Oh My!

Does your cast iron pot look like this? Don’t toss it. We can help. 1. Rust Be Gone! The first thing is to stay calm. Most Cast Iron Pots are not dishwasher friendly, so no dishwashing my friend. Apply a small amount of vegetable oil with a dishcloth (canola or olive oil) and rub it … Read more


Siluriformes1! So wonderful! Know what I’m talking about? no? Alright, enough with the scientific terms; Catfish! So wonderful! That taste mm-mmm-mm! The facts have it, This is one healthy Cat, I mean Fish! Yes, it is! 200 grams of the fish will amount to 288 calories! Which should keep you up and running, but not … Read more

What the H-E-C-K is a serum?!!

…and do you need one? Let’s see… ·   Face looking a bit uhmm? Drenching it with fast-acting, Vitamin C-packed serum promises to bring back the brightness you’ve been missing in an instant (plus brilliant long-term results when you stick with it). ·  Dry, lack lustre skin? A serum’s calming treatment generates an attention-grabbing visual effect … Read more

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